Thursday 24 March 2011

Character 1 - Setsuna (WIP)

Name: Setsuna (Real name unknown) Name is Japanese for "Despair".
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Unknown
Weapon(s): Longsword and knife
Bio: All information is gathered from reported sightings.
This individual's background is a mystery to the agency. All that is known about Setsuna is that he is the most dangerous man with a bladed weapon on the planet. He has been reported to be able to destroy entire towns with little effort. How he is able to do this with swords is unkown, however, some have reported that he is capable of some superhuman powers. If sighted, avoid this individual at all costs.


This character will be one of the main protagonists in a post-apocalyptic turn-based RPG, which will be heavily influenced (gameplay-wise) by Japanese RPGs, such as Final Fantasy.

Coming up next: Vladimir Von Hulkensmash, The Strong-Arm of the Apocalypse!

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